BigMIND Partner Wins IT Grid Review Award Winter 2021

BigMIND Partner Wins IT Grid Review Award Winter 2021 We have the privilege and honor to announce that one of BigMIND’s prestigious global partners, AOS Data Co. Ltd., member of the BigMIND Partner Program based in Japan, won the world-renowned IT Grid Review Award Winter 2021. BigMIND’s global partner You…

Learning Management Software Comes to Zoolz Cloud Backup

 Zoolz is adding another feature to assist their distributor and partner network The work doesn’t end when the deal closes. At least, in IT sales. Unlike a house or a car, the IT resellers know the sale of a new software ends one stage of the job but begins another:…

Five Reasons to White Label

IT Solutions Providers Stand to Make the Most from White Label SaaS and this is Why Technology sales and services is an ever-evolving market. As businesses revise and reshape their workflows and processes, solutions providers are tasked with finding and offering reliable, cutting-edge software that meets their rotating needs. Keeping…

SaaS Reselling is the New Millionaire Maker

Becoming a Seven Digit Earner with SaaS sales Having a job that pays seven digits isn’t the only way to become a millionaire. In fact, almost every millionaire will tell you, relying on a single source of income is a surefire way not to meet your goals. The key to…

The Four Most Common Types of Data Breaches Threatening Businesses

You’ve protected your enterprise data, but what are you protecting it from? As a cloud service provider, we often speak about the importance of data protection and recovery, especially for smaller businesses. Afterall, small business does account for 28% of all data breaches. But with all of the focus being…

4 Ways Telecom Companies and ISPs Benefit from Offering Cloud Backup

Connectivity begins with telecommunication companies and internet service providers, or ISPs. After all, these are the companies businesses and people look to in order to get online or set up a network. Once a customer is connected, however, the need for a telecom or ISP decreases significantly. This presents a…

The Only Choice in Cloud Backup for Distributors

Increase Revenue & Expand Your Markets with this Cloud Backup & Storage Software for Business As technology evolved, the way businesses have sought to utilize it has changed drastically. And over the last decade, there’s been an even more rapid increase in adoption of new tech as the cloud market…

BigMIND by Zoolz Named Best Cloud Storage Service in 2020

Hear from the experts why BigMIND by Zoolz is the industry leader in cloud storage for business By now you know cloud backup is essential for a business. Not only does cloud storage help protect your enterprise data from loss and physical damage to your systems, it’s also proven itself…

The Most Common Security Issues in Business

Is your organization making these mistakes? You’ve heard it before. Protect your network, protect your data. While your IT administrators understand the importance of these ideas to a fault, do your employees? According to a report recently released by PT Security, maybe not.  The study was conducted over the course…

Prepping for Disaster

How to Make Sure You’re Prepared for Whatever the Earth Throws at You Everyday we seem to read news of a disaster, natural or otherwise, affecting an area or the world. Wildfires and hurricanes in the US, tsunamis and earthquakes in Asia, and heat waves in Europe threaten the lives…

An Important Message for Zoolz Home Users

Every so often in business, we find ourselves at an impasse in which we must make a decision that affects customers.  Unfortunately at Zoolz, we have reached such a moment.  Effective immediately, we will be discontinuing our direct-to-consumer cloud backup service, Zoolz Home.   This decision wasn’t an easy one to…

The Cost of a Cyber Attack

Data Breaches by the Numbers While many businesses have been celebrating the technology that has allowed companies to continue productivity remotely this year, the consequences are often overlooked. With the increase of remote work, so did the threat of a data breach as hackers began taking advantage of less protected…

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Are they for you? The hybrid cloud isn’t new. But to say it’s remained unchanged since it was introduced to IT processes isn’t true either. Over the last decade, developers have pushed the limits of the cloud and proved just what the cloud is capable of; meanwhile, IT managers and…

Increasing Profits During the Pandemic

 Making the most of your reselling business in today’s market Budgets are being squeezed. Spending is shrinking to almost nothing. As more and more companies report layoffs due to decreased earnings this year, the future of B2B seems bleak. The projections for Q3 so far don’t show a better outlook….

BigMIND Cloud Backup delves into IoT with Alexa integration.

Alexa, What’s Your Favorite Cloud Backup Service?

Welcome to the Internet of Things. Technology reigns. Connectivity matters. Simplicity prevails. The digital age seemingly has no end. The more we advance technologically, the more we crave newer and newer things, things to make our lives easier, things to get us closer to the quickly approaching future. That’s where…

Try Zoolz Cloud Backup today, and become the superhero of your business

Businessman or Superman? Be Both with Zoolz.

Q4 is upon us. That means rushing to meet your sales quotas, seal new business deals, pump out holiday ads to connect with your stakeholders, and brainstorm and finalize your company’s strategy for the next year. What are your goals? How will you meet them? What about your budget? Can…

Free up space on your devices with BigMIND AI Cloud Backup by Zoolz

From “Storage Almost Full” to “Cannot Take Photo.” Now What?

Everything’s packed, your schedule is in order, bills are paid. You’re ready for that trip of a lifetime. You open your phone and start posing for that perfect selfie to send to everyone you know, just to show them how excited you really are. Then it happens . . . After weeks of…

BigMIND AI Cloud Backup by Zoolz is an advanced data storage solution for both business and home use

Top 5 Tips for Rejuvenating (and Saving) Your Business with the BigMIND Intelligent Cloud

In the time you read the title of this story, more than 50,000 gigabytes of data were uploaded to the internet. Put into perspective, that’s around 10,000,000 photos shared, 8,000 days’ worth of videos streamed, and 22,000,000 web pages browsed. As data grows, so should our ability to manage it….

BigMIND AI Cloud Backup application running on laptop

The Future of Cloud Storage is Here: BigMIND by Zoolz Promises Big Data Security, Efficiency, and Simplicity

In an age dominated by high-tech solutions that ensure that our lives are easier and more digital than ever before, simply choosing which solution to go with can be overwhelming in itself. The average consumer is bombarded with offers, and, without doing a bit of market research on your own,…

Introducing: LifeMoji by Zoolz – the world’s first emoji-based image and facial recognition search platform!

We’re delighted to announce the latest addition to the Zoolz brand – LifeMoji: a collection of 150+ (and rapidly growing) smart emoji search icons, representative of real-life features for home and business! Through the use of enhanced AI technologies, this unique platform intelligently analyses your photo libraries, allowing you to use…