Prepping for Disaster

How to Make Sure You’re Prepared for Whatever the Earth Throws at You

Everyday we seem to read news of a disaster, natural or otherwise, affecting an area or the world. Wildfires and hurricanes in the US, tsunamis and earthquakes in Asia, and heat waves in Europe threaten the lives and livelihoods of people all over the world. Not to mention, the pandemic the world is still currently experiencing. From power outages to the complete loss of infrastructure, being prepared to be without has returned to the forefront of many people’s minds. 

It’s hard to ignore the desire to prepare for the event of an emergency when it seems like there is always the threat of one. While “disaster preparedness” brings to mind the images of fanatical “doomsday preppers”, there’s ways you can prepare for emergencies to give yourself peace of mind without going overboard (or go overboard, you do you!)

Some disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis and blizzards give us a head’s up that havoc is about to be wreaked; but others, like earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and unplanned world shutdowns due to threat of disease come with far less warning. Knowing how to prepare for such calamities is just as important as having the actual supplies.

Search Amazon, or the internet in general, and you’ll find a great many options for emergency kits. Most kits come with a few staples: a first aid kit, flashlights/headlamps, water, food kits/meal bars, hand crank radio/cell phone charger, waterproof bags for important documents, an emergency or lightweight blanket, waterproof matches or a fire starter and general medicines. While these kits are a great place to start your emergency preparedness, the person who knows what they need best is you. Using these kits as an example is a great way to build your own customized kit specifically for your needs. 

In areas that have been subject to uncontrollable wildfires like Australia or the western coast of the US, adding masks to your emergency kit may be necessary in case air quality in your area is affected. Those living in a hurricane-prone area typically suffer from days-long power outages after the hurricane has passed. In such regions, adding a generator to your survival kit is handy in order to help survive the aftermath. In other areas that may experience storms causing short power surges, an uninterruptible power supply, or UPS, will help protect your computers and other electronics from burning out. 

Which brings us to protecting your gadgets. Of course while replaceable, devices, be it PCs, laptops, tablets, or phones, house our personal data, from vacation pictures to our favorite music and movies and for a growing number, our most important documents. Rarely, if ever, do you hear reminders to grab your hard drives when you evacuate, or to include waterproof/heat-proof casing for your tablets and phones. The reality is, however, much of our lives are stored on our devices and drives, and need to be included in our disaster preparedness plans. In addition to battery extension packs and waterproof housing, another way to protect the data stored on such devices is via cloud backup. Storing a backup of your most important files, or your entire machine including a system image via the cloud ensures you’ll always have a copy, regardless of whatever disaster you’re facing. 

Building a kit is just the beginning, too. Having a plan for where to go and what to do when disaster strikes is equally as necessary for preparedness, especially if you’re in an area that’s called upon to relocate during a weather event. And not just where to go, but how to get there, too. Even if you’re just moving to another part of the house, understanding the safest route in any given circumstance, could be the difference between staying safe and being injured. And the path you take can be planned ahead of time, committed to memory or directions can be printed out to ensure your safe arrival at your destination. 

If this year has taught us anything, too, it’s that disaster preparedness can look different depending on the plight with which you’re dealing. For many, it wasn’t a generator or an emergency kit that was needed this year, but things to keep your mind occupied, a well-stocked pantry and freezer, and an endless amount of patience; which may be something to keep in mind the next time we’re faced with a dire situation. And, too, maybe add a deck of cards to your emergency kit to stave off boredom. 

Not all disasters can be prepared for in the same way, but certain things, like securing your digital assets and having a stocked run bag in case of evacuation or remote quarantine, and knowing how to get to a safe shelter can ease dealing with unforeseen disaster from the on set. 

Looking to add a data disaster recovery solution to part of your disaster preparedness? BigMIND’s Disaster Recovery can easily and quickly backup and restore your machines. Visit for more information.