Zoolz Intelligent Cloud Featured On Cloud Pro

A quote from a review of Zoolz Intelligent Cloud

At Zoolz HQ, we couldn’t be more excited to share our latest review of Zoolz Intelligent Cloud courtesy of Cloud Pro.

The reputable outlet is the premier cloud computing resource for business leaders and senior IT professionals. They aim to explain how cloud is becoming the dominant delivery mechanism for IT, while reflecting some of the real-world problems faced by businesses.

This week, they published a 4-star extensive review of our latest product. If you’ve not had a chance to try out one of our live demos, we’d strongly encourage you to read this review to get an unbiased opinion.

Here’s a brief snippet:


Zoolz Intelligent is a relatively recent addition to the online backup and storage market, but we’re already impressed by its polished interface and search capabilities…The document search engine is excellent. We were especially impressed by the quality of the OCR, which allowed us to effectively carry out keyword searches for documents that we’d scanned as flat images or PDFs.

A special thank you to Kat Orphanides who did a fantastic job capturing the essence of the platform.

Read the full review here.