What Is Cold Storage?

What are the benefits of cold storage

With files scattered across desktops, laptops and mobile devices, the amount of unstructured data is becoming a challenge for businesses. If you speak to data storage professional, the term ‘Cold Storage’ will undoubtedly come up. Frankly, it’s a hot topic for cloud providers.

But what is it exactly?

Cold Storage refers to data that you want to backup for archiving. It’s for the retention of data that you rarely access, but is too important to delete.

How can businesses benefit from Cold Storage?

Unsure of the value of Cold Storage? We’ve put together 5 ways businesses can take advantage of this method of data storage.

Cost – Infrequently used files can take up valuable storage space. By archiving your data, you can reduce your overall storage costs as Cold Storage is extremely economical.

Lifetime storage – Store all your business documents, images and media files without additional costs and Zoolz will store them forever. The retrieval times for files stored on Cold Storage is 3-5 hours. If however, you require immediate access, Zoolz does offer Instant Storage.

Data management – Organising your business files is crucial. With Zoolz Intelligent, you can optimise this process. We offer a powerful policy management tool, which allows you to migrate inactive data in just a few clicks.

Security – Cold Storage is durable and reliable. Zoolz offers military-grade encryption for any file uploaded to the platform. You can rest assured that your data is safe.

Automatic Backup – Continuous protection of all your files and data. Just set it and forget it!

Cold Storage is perfect for organisations that wish to safeguard their data and save money. If you need to backup large amounts of files at a very low cost, visit our website to view our affordable plans or contact a member of our team.